Bailee Alexis Plowman

Website and Motion

Lake Erie Hydraulics

Click here to visit the site

Lake Erie Hydraulics

May 2024
Art Director: Cassandra Reese
Institution: Pennwest University, Edinboro
Team credits: Sydney Oxenrider, Andrea Rhodes, Lindsey Beans-polk, Liam Pearce, Riley Francis and Avery Marshall

Lake Erie Hydraulics is company based in Erie pa, that specializes in hydraulic repair.

The team was inspired by retro garage signage for the branding.

We wanted to create a website that is easy to acess and navigate for all types of customers.  

The Historical Institute and the African American Experience

Click here to visit the site

The Historical Institute and the African American Experience

December 2024
Art Director: Cassandra Reese
Institution: Pennwest University, Edinboro
Team Credits: Madeline Lucroe, Becca Man, Lindsey Beans-polk, Vince Iezzi, Riley Francis and Avery Marshall

The Historical Institute of Culture & the African American Experience is a Legacy Museum dedicated to empowering the community with knowledge and resilience through immersive exhibits, local art, and historical storytelling

Liberty Street Antiques

Click here to visit the site

Liberty Street Antiques

August 2023

Liberty Street Antiques is an antique store with a passion for unique, quality antiques, collectibles, vintage goods and curiosities.

They are committed to finding and sharing these items with our customers.  

"We want a visit to Liberty Street Antiques to be a pleasant, welcoming, and enjoyable experience – one our customers will share with others."


This infographic explains to the average person why recycling plastic water bottles is so important. The video also advises on how to recycle these water bottles so the viewer has more information on how they can help the environment by recycling.

Art too Bad to be Ignored

This motion design is for the museum of bad art (MOBA). It uses the slogan art too bad to be ignored to compel people to come and view the artwork.

Make Bad Art

This motion design is for the museum of bad art (MOBA). It encourages people who visit the museum to create bad art.

The MOBA Flower

This motion design is for the museum of bad art (MOBA). It uses the flower from the main logo to draw people in and then the logo is spelled out at the bottom to let people know what it is for.